Visualize To Materialize
It is hard to believe this is the fourth quarter of such a pivotal year! Undoubtedly, the events, devastation and emotions attached to 2020 will be memorialized in the annals of history. I am not here to recount the tumultuous events some have endured; you've seen it, you've lived it.
As a leader, I am here to cast light on the opportunity to use the remainder of this year, not only to reflect, but also to create new visions for yourself; personally, and professionally.
This is the time of year when leaders begin to plan what will be rolled out in the new year. I encourage you to visualize how it would feel to be right where you are purposed to be. What will your surroundings look like? What is one adjective to describe the connection to your purpose, in whatever capacity you lead?
Let me take a step back to ask if you have discovered your purpose? If so, take a moment to reflect on your journey, lest you forget. It has been said, the most valuable lessons are those learned during the journey.
If you have not quite yet linked up with your purpose, I encourage you to sit with the absence of sound. When your mind begins to drift, and it will, consciously pull yourself back to your starting point, to begin to visualize again. Focus on what really matters to you. What morals and values will you not live without? Knowing this is important.
I have not always made it a practice to sit with myself in this way. I have spent decades rushing from one task to the next multi- tasking while on my way. I never stopped to “smell the roses”, until perhaps 2018. This is when I recognized that although my life and career were successful, the alignment with my values could be fine-tuned.
When I think about the legacy I want to leave, I recognize consciously creating something more meaningful is important to me. Don’t get me wrong…I have been blessed immensely and for that I’m grateful. Overwhelmingly, it’s important to me, currently in my life, to provide service. Giving back is part of what humans are purposed to do, PLUS being self-serving is not a good look! At the end of the day, what matters is what I did to make the world a better place for others. Seeking to discover our purpose entails creating vision and path to fulfill it. Imagine what may await your arrival.
It has been stated that only around 25 % of Americans have a clear sense of purpose. I find this to be dismal, particularly in times such as these. Could this be part of the reason some humans live without regard for others? Finding purpose
Lean in fearlessly to consciously discover who you were fully meant to be, without self-imposed limitations. Think about will it feel to energetically embrace your authentic self... personally and professionally? What might be different for you?
Alternately, if you’ve known for a while, determine what has kept you from embracing and owning it fully? How has that worked against you? If the beliefs you've created limit your ability to honor your purpose, what new beliefs can you create to free yourself ? By creating a mindset for success, without limitations, what one action can you take tomorrow to move in the direction you were purposed to be? Should obstacles arise, what plan can you put in place so that you are certain to complete the first step?
It has been said that we sometimes learn more from what we haven’t done, than from what we have. What would it mean to face your fear -- up close and personal, with the tenacity to keep going forward to do something differently?
A few characteristics of seventh level leaders are:
· Focus / Vision
· Courage
· Integrity
· Humility
· Agility
· Decisive
I'd like to link up with you while you are on your journey to discovery. Going from visualizing to materializing requires strategy. It is the same strategy that can be used by leaders in all walks of life. This is not a time to be silent, nor passive. Each of us has opportunity to work to create a new and better world. How you lead in the organizations in which you're involved matters.
Licia Thompson, CPC, ELI-MP is a global Leadership Transition Clarity and Confidence Coach & Consultant empowering leaders to be fearless visionaries, reduce chaos in processes and stop leaving money on the table.