Reasons To Experience International Travel
If you haven’t finalized your vacation plans this year, and particularly if you’ve not considered international travel, don’t be limited by fear.
By all means, travel safely, however, don’t let fear, perhaps of terrorism or simply the unknown, stifle and paralyze your dreams.
Take calculated risks. Do your research. Simply don’t go to places where the U.S. advises are unsafe. And this list changes, so stay up to date.
In life, it’s advantageous not to play small. When you do, you miss opportunities to learn.
You do not have to be wealthy to experience international travel.
Why international, you may ask?
I learned so many things and took away so many memories from my journeys to London, Paris, Italy, Aruba, Costa Rica, Cancun, Jamaica, Bahamas, Antigua, Toronto and Montreal. And the biggest takeaway is what’s good for the mind is good for the soul.
The world is bigger than one can imagine, so why limit yourself? Go places and do something you have never done before. I know it doesn’t feel comfortable. But growth comes from pushing yourself. Stretch your mind. Learn life lessons. Self-evaluate. You will discover a lot about yourself.
And it feels really good to conquer a fear and experience a feeling of success and perhaps gratitude. Overall, a feeling of success is very memorable the next time another new opportunity arises.
Step out and feel liberated.
Become stronger.
Better navigate twists and turns in your life.
Release yourself by moving forward into freedom.
When we see how people in other countries live, it helps us to look inward at our own lives, which may result in gaining a heightened sense of gratitude. Alternately, it may prompt action in areas of our lives that need to be dealt with.
Get an overall, clearer perspective.
Nurture yourself.
You are worthy!
Tomorrow is not promised, so what are you waiting for? Get to it! Live well. Be well. The world awaits your international arrival.